Harrison basketball test

Harrison basketball test


Harrison basketball test battery test was constructed by E.R. Harrison during his post-graduation in 1969 at the University of Florida USA. In which 4 skills related to basketball are measured. These 4 test items are intended to measure general basketball skills such as shooting, passing, dribbling, and jumping in a minimum length of time. This test was prepared by analyzing the performance of high school junior and senior boys.

Purpose of Harrison basketball test – To measure the four general skill areas of Basketball in a minimum length of time.

Evaluation – Harrison Basketball determines shooting,  passing,  dribbling, and jumping.

Level and Sex – The test battery was developed by analyzing the performance of junior and senior high school boys but the items sums suitable for Girl’s games as well.




Administration Consideration – Eight stations are set up in the gymnasium, 2 for each item. Squads are formed and remain as a unit throughout the test procedures. The methods of scoring, recording, timing, and executing the test are explained and demonstrated by the teacher. The students performed two trials of each item.

Uses – 1. To measure achievement in the competition of  basketball  unit.

2. To measure improvement in four basic basketball skills during the progression of the unit.

Item Number I  – FIELD GOAL TEST

Harrison basketball test
Harrison basketball test

Purpose – The purpose of this test is to measure basketball field goal shooting ability under the stress of time.

Facilities and Equipment – One Basketball, one stopwatch, one regulation basketball goal.

Procedure – The student is instructed to shoot the ball at the goal in any fashion from any stance starting close under the goal.

Scoring – Two 30 seconds trials are given with one point recorded for every basket scored. The better of the two trials are counted.


Purpose – The purpose of this test is to measure the speed of passing.

Facilities and Equipment – One Basketball, a line on the floor parallel to and eight feet from the wall, and one stopwatch.

Procedure – The student passes the ball in any fashion against the wall. The ball must be thrown and received from behind the restraining line.

Scoring – The better score of two 30-second trials is counted.

Harrison basketball test
Harrison basketball test


Purpose – The purpose of this test is to measure the speed and skill of dribbling a basketball against the stress of time.

Facilities and Equipment – One Basketball, 5 obstacles, and one stopwatch.

Procedure – The student dribbles the ball alternatively, passing to the right and to the left of the obstacles placed in line 10 feet apart on 40 feet then circle the end obstacle and continues in this manner for 30 seconds.

Scoring – The best of two trials is counted.

Harrison basketball test
Harrison basketball test

Item Number IV  – REBOUND TEST

Purpose – To measure ball-handling skills during the rebounding of basketball against the stress of time.

Facilities and Equipment – One Basketball, 1 backboard, and one stopwatch.

Procedure – The student is instructed to stand near the backboard and toss the ball to the backboard. As the ball rebounds the student, jumps catches the ball, and returns it to the backboard while still in the air. The student might catch the ball and return it to the floor before tossing the ball again to the backboard.

Scoring – Each time the ball hits the board 1 point is counted. The better score of two trials of 30 seconds each is recorded.

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